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Karen Budzinski

What Separates us from God’s Love???

By | Bible Studies | No Comments

Thanks to Kim for the following reminder and great Bible study: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” Romans 8: 35 Well, I think that about covers everything that could possibly happen to us!!trouble- situations that are caused by making unwise decisions and/or others doing the same. hardship- situations that are caused by living in this world (loss of a job, being sick, being…

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Where did the FIRE go???

By | Bible Studies | No Comments

A few days ago, I met with an amazing saint of God who is 77. He is STILL so “ON FIRE” for God, and so CONSISTENTLY “zealous” of the things of God! His beloved wife of over 55 years of marriage + just died last week. Sitting with him over lunch (a lunch I almost cancelled because I was so busy) was amazing — afterwards tears rolled down my face because I felt as if I was in the presence…

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