How to Build Children with Integrity (Workbook)
Raising the next generation of children is more distracting than ever. We want to raise children with purpose, who excel not only in their pursuits but in the character that makes them victorious when life throws them challenges. How do you give your children the best opportunities without feeding the narcissism prevalent in our selfie society? By giving them integrity.
Building children requires integrity: the wholeness that comes from knowing who you are, what you stand for and what you live for. Integrity is consistent; it can be counted on. Building children with integrity helps them to own the ethics and character that will stand against the flood of social opposition to strong values.
How to Build Children with Integrity is a toolbox of resources and ideas for parents and those who are involved with children. This book is meant to be used as a springboard to inspire people to think of how they can take normal everyday life and build something lasting in children along the way. As we dedicate ourselves to these tasks, results will follow.
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Book Reviews
“Imagine the beauty and peacefulness of a civil community freed from victims and imprisoned expectations; this book is the recipe. With a mix of parenting ideas and an accountability mindset, Karen takes us through the secret garden of developing kids where they bloom by what we put in, share, and value. It is a must read for parents, pastors, teachers, college administrators or anyone seeking to shape young lives. As you read its lessons, it will open your circle of knowledge and open your heart to the grace received by practicing intentionality, hospitality and spirituality.”
—Donald Packham, Human Resources Executive
Donald is experienced in working with leadership teams and boards in the oil industry, government and higher education. Presently CHRO for a non-profit education system of 5 colleges with a mission to graduate professionals in psychology, education, law, and related health fields. Served as FBI’s Chief Human Resources Officer in a post 9/11 transformation to create an intelligence led organization. With 800 employees and a budget of over $400 million built recruitment strategies, developed leaders and delivered HR services for over 33,000 employees. Senior VP of Human Resources at BP with global accountability, leading HR in talent and succession management, M&A, compensation and benefits, outsourced services, and HRIS.
“A word to the reader or potential reader of this book:
There are CD Series, DVD’s, seminars, and books you can invest your time in regarding raising your child. Most are helpful, some are confusing and others offer suggestions that are in opposition to biblical standards. Then there is this all-encompassing work by author Karen Budzinski, How to Build Children With Integrity. Truly a worthy read!
With several decades leading a congregation, I’ve read those books, watched those DVD’s and listened to multiple CD’s about marriage and family. I say with all sincerity that I’ve not come across a book that covers the concepts of raising children as thoroughly as this book does. The insight, application and personal stories will keep you turning the pages! I have had the privilege of observing the fruit of these principles as Karen and her husband Gary have lived what you’ll read in these pages. Their children, their spouses and now grandchildren are a testament to principles that work. I enthusiastically recommend this book… for yourself and for your children!
—Jerry R. Weinzierl, Senior Pastor, Grace Christian Church
“This is a powerful parenting resource that combines solid theology with personal experience and practical ideas for any family. Every parent who reads this book will find their internal compass auto correcting to God’s design. This book is real, authored by a compassionate and thoughtful theologian who knows how to give parents a vision for what could be in their home now.”
—Dr. Scott Turansky
Dr. Scott Turansky and his wife, Carrie, have five children and five grandchildren. Dr. Turansky and Mrs. Joanne Miller, RN, BSN, have co-authored fifteen books on parenting and created three video series with accompanying children’s curriculum. They speak around the country teaching parenting seminars in churches and schools. They are the co-founders of the National Center for Biblical Parenting and Biblical Parenting University.
“How to Build Children With Integrity is a tool book all parents must have on hand! Just as any craftsman should study from a professional who has a proven record in their craft, parents should also look at this book as a professional guide for their “craft.” Author Karen Budzinski has raised five children to have the qualities she advocates in her book. Her anecdotal stories and tips from her own experiences are priceless to parents who are not just looking to learn what they should be doing, but want to know how to do it.
As is encouraged in Titus 2:3-5, Karen teaches what is good, urging her students to live in a way that aligns with the Word of God.
—Theresa Wegner
Theresa Wegner is a mother of four children. She has been a Mom’s Group Leader for eight years and has served in worship at church as well as supporting Compassion Pregnancy Center in various ways. Theresa graduated from Loyola Marymount University in 2002 with a degree in theatre arts and the desire to become a famous actress and singer. When Theresa received Christ as her savior the desire to make herself known changed to a desire to make Christ known. Theresa left Los Angeles and continued acting and singing on a professional level in her home state of Michigan until she became pregnant with her first child. Her decision to leave her career to focus on caring for her family has never been a regret. She loves to help other moms by sharing what she has learned in her experience while still acknowledging she is still a student in need of the advice of other wise Mamas. Theresa and her husband live in Michigan.
“A must read for young parents! As a mother of 3 boys, Karen’s book is filled with Godly, concrete, and practical tips on how to raise children into becoming Godly men and women. I just wish I had read this sooner!”
—Loretta Quan, Former Ward Mops Coordinator at Ward Church
Loretta Quan is a mother of three boys. Loretta has served in her church in various ways, including MOPS coordinator (2 years), MOPS leadership team (3 years), Preschool Sunday School Teacher, VBS Supervisor, VBS small group leader, and Sunday School Storyteller for both preschool and elementary. Loretta also currently leads a Moms In Prayer Group for her boys’ local elementary school. She has previously been a Preschool Director (2 years) and taught a 1-2 multi-age classroom for 6 years before moving to China with her husband for his work. China is where Loretta delivered her 3 beautiful boys! While in China, Loretta tutored many ESL students out of her home as well as serve as Sunday School Director and as a Sunday School Teacher for the International Church we attended. Loretta also led a Young Mom’s Bible study while living in China. Most recently, Loretta’s children have all entered school full time and Loretta has gone back to work as a part time ESL adjunct Professor at Schoolcraft College. Loretta’s desire is to serve her husband and children in a Godly way as well as helping other moms to focus on God’s plan for us as wives and mothers. Loretta and her husband and 3 boys reside in Michigan.