1. Where is He? It always amazed me that the minute I dropped my two year old off in the Church nursery, the moment I turned the corner, she would freak out. As soon as she was not aware of my presence, she wanted no part of it! That’s the way we feel when we look up and all of a sudden it appears as if the Lord has left us alone. Without notice, something unravels, a tragedy…
Day 1 we looked at God’s plan for your family. Day 2 we looked at His plan for fathers’ and mothers’ roles with their children. Day 3 (today) we will look at: What is the biggest detriment to that plan that we don’t even realize until it is too late? Tomorrow we will see: How to Break Free from the Enemy’s Grips to Get back to God’s Plan for our Homes and Families Take the time to read through the…
I. Don’t be beguiled/tricked/deceived with enticing words: LET your hearts be comforted, knit together in love, to all riches of full assurance of understanding, acknowledging the mystery (of Christ in YOU!) — knowing all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are IN HIM. Have I allowed my heart to be comforted? Have I LET (allowed) my heart to be KNIT TOGETHER IN LOVE with others? Have I allowed my life to acknowledge Christ in me? Have I looked to Him knowing…