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Revival Can’t Come Through Pharisees’ Hearts Bible Verses

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We need to fill our hearts and minds with God’s message on how to love if revival can come through us! We need to see how the Lord continually draws and loves and sees what He wants to do with those who have fallen… the Davids after they commit adultery and murder while on the throne professing God, the Josephs with their broken dreams in prison falsely accused, the Jacobs grasping for all they can get until they wrestle with…

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Revival Can’t Come Through Pharisees’ Hearts

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    We are accepted in the beloved, redeemed,, ransomed and called by His Name. Jesus then puts HIS righteousness on us so that we can have a relationship with Him. He sees us through HIS righteousness. That same righteousness equips us to see others the way HE sees them, and love them the way HE loved us! He doesn’t discount us because we fall, He doesn’t see us as failures but He sees our potentials, He sees us through…

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