Class 4 for our Zoom Training Children Class, Chapters 5 and 6: “I Am Responsible for My Responses” and “I Can Deny Myself.”
training children

Day 1 we looked at God’s plan for your family. Day 2 we looked at His plan for fathers’ and mothers’ roles with their children. Day 3 we looked at what the biggest detriment to that plan is. Today we will see: How to Break Free from the Enemy’s Grip to Get back to God’s Plan for our Homes and Families Take the time to read through the BOLD OUTLINE and WORDS at least so you know what is destroying…
Day 1 we looked at God’s plan for your family. Day 2 we looked at His plan for fathers’ and mothers’ roles with their children. Day 3 (today) we will look at: What is the biggest detriment to that plan that we don’t even realize until it is too late? Tomorrow we will see: How to Break Free from the Enemy’s Grips to Get back to God’s Plan for our Homes and Families Take the time to read through the…
What is God’s plan for your family? What is His plan for fathers’ roles with their children? What is the biggest detriment to that plan that we don’t even realize until it is too late? What can we do to bring that plan into being for our families? Yesterday we looked at: Day 1 – God’s Plan for Our Homes and Families and How that Plan is Accomplished Today we will look at: Day 2 – Roles of Father, Mother,…