All BlogsIncluding Media and Interviews

Monday in Paris

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I had such a great day. I was pretty bummed Gary had to work today, but I got going with our (very) “continental” breakfast of yogurt and muesli and off I went. Walked to the Eiffel Tower and gazed at it with its changing-by-the-minute personality. Walked along the Seine River and took in every sight and sound: the boats going by, the birds, the lovers walking, children skipping and playing, autumn leaves blowing, people selling their wares, chestnuts roasting, horns…

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Another Wonderful Day in Paris!

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Well this was another great day in Paris, although we had a few little problems. First we started out in the market, which was awesome: Then we walked along the Seine River and stumbled upon the original Statue of Liberty! Sadly, here I discovered I had left my Compact Flash card back at the hotel, and we were across town from the hotel! But I’m glad I had my iPhone! We then headed to our tour of the top of…

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Autumn in Paris

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Paris is amazing. I was last here in about 1982 as a newlywed. It had a profound effect on me then, and it does again. People line the streets holding hands and kissing… I don’t know why but couples getting photos in front of the Eiffel Tower LOVE to kiss! The streets are filled with little patisseries and chocolatiers and restaurants/cafes with outdoor tables. Couples are sharing crepes, laughing over coffees, and walking with their heads together whispering… The Seine…

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Portovenere, Italy

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Finally got here! Started out yesterday afternoon from home. When our plane landed in Amsterdam, we missed the connection! So we put our luggage up and hit a train to Centre City and had a blast walking around. Went back and got to Italy about 10 and drove to our hotel — got here after midnight. I was so glad to have our GPS with Italy maps — it brought us right to our door in an otherwise VERY CONFUSING…

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Apple Pies!

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Love making apple pies! It is so fun getting together and “teaching” and having fun with the girls baking! Kristen is here for the weekend — I LOVE when she visits. Rachel took time off her busy studying schedule to come out and be with me and make a pie too! We had a lot of fun. Afterwards we went for a walk at Partridge Creek with Gary, Christa, Bethany and Honey!!! Christa even brought Kristen, Gary and I dinner…

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A Walk in the Park…

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Well, some people get grandchildren when their children get married, but I got a dog. Bethany and I took Honey on her first “nature walk” at Stoney Creek. Although it was 92 degrees and humid, and we walked for an hour and a half, Honey really tried to keep up, but she kept trying to take breaks! She was so funny!

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Another day, another walk…

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Today I had a great day with my parents (but I forgot to take a photo 🙁 ) — I visited for awhile and then went to a HEALTHY lunch at Friar Tucks… Then another walk, another 92 degree humid day, this time on Clinton River and Paint Creek trails… Another repeat, but this time Honey was more adamant about not moving — she was EXHAUSTED (but so were Bethany and I!) But this time we found a creek to…

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