Great Bible study from Kim!
… I have set before you: LIFE and DEATH, BLESSINGS and CURSES. Now CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and HOLD fast to Him.” Deuteronomy 30: 19b-20a
We have choices everyday whether to choose the Life and Blessings God offers us or the death and curses of this world as a result of our decisions!
LIFE and it’s BLESSINGS include-
Being able to TRUST in Him!!!
…and so much more!!!!!
DEATH and it’s CURSES include-
Hopelessness!!!!! Having no Hope that things will get better!!
Always full of Anger with others!!!
Discontentment with the world, things and people!!
Lack of Trust or Faith in anyone!!!
Eternity in Hell!!! Eternity WITHOUT GOD!!!
Our Heavenly King, we CHOOSE LIFE and all of it’s Blessings!!!! We HOLD ON to Your Promises and the Hope they bring into our lives!! We Thank You Father for not leaving us for eternal death and the hopelessness that this life withOUT YOU brings!!!! We can’t even imagine or fathom how we could handle the struggles and pain of this world without You!!!
So, today, we CHOOSE LIFE!! As Your Word says, we Choose Life so that we and our loved ones may live eternally, so that we may come to KNOW and LISTEN to Your Voice, and that we may HOLD ON to YOU for our Strength, Wisdom, and Hope!!!
Oh Lord, You are SO FAITHFUL to us- You WILL bring us OUT of the depths we encounter here in this life!! You WILL RESTORE our lives again!!!! (You promise us in Psalm 71:20) All Praise and Glory be unto YOU!!!
Please continue to help all of us seeking Your Life Father!!! Your Blessings in a world full of curses!!! We are not able to accomplish this on our own strength, but ONLY WITH YOUR POWER!!! Please grant us that Amazing Power and Strength!
Continue to be with our Armed Forces Lord, wrap Your Arms around them, making Yourself known to them! Please keep special watch over them!!
There are so many uncertainties in this world Father, our job status, the roof over our head, our health, relationships, … BUT, we so very thankful for the STABILITY of Your Love!!