This is such a great reminder from Kim!
At the present time your PLENTY will SUPPLY what they NEED, so that IN TURN their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be EQUALITY!!!!!!!!.” 2 Corinthians 8: 14
Have you experienced this in your life? Where at times, you are the one who is able to give and/or help someone financially, Spiritually, emotionally, or physically, ….. but then, it is you who needs that help? God tells us in the above verse that sometimes our plenty will supply your needs and at another time, your plenty will supply our needs! In that way, there will be equality!!!!
There is a time for everything! A time to give and a time to receive!!! God has encouraged us to help each other in their time of need so that we can all be EQUAL!! He is SO WISE!!!!
Our Heavenly Teacher repeatedly asks us to be vessels for Him to help His Children!!! Are we willing to give Him our time so He can help and encourage those in need?
Do we see the neglected?
Do we hear the bells from the Salvation Army?
Do we notice the tears of a stranger or loved one?
Do we look for ways to display His Love?
Abba Father, we THANK YOU for Your Wise Words concerning giving and receiving! We go through many different chapters in our life, sometimes we are in the position to give more (of our time, talents, and monies) than at other times.
When we have more than we need, please keep our eyes and hearts open to where we can help!
When we have less, please help us to be an encouragement in other ways and to gratefully receive the help offered to us!
Personally Father, I see You in the precious faces that have faithfully been helping me during my time of need! These vessels of Yours are giving of their valuable time to help one of Your own! They represent You so well Father! They are cheerful, always willing to be of service, never complaining, very loving, and making their help to me look effortless!!! I can only say Father that I SEE YOU, because ONLY YOU could be so loving and giving over and over and over again!!! Thank You for Your encouragement to do the right thing through these extra special vessels of Yours!!! I only pray Father, as Your Word tells us today, “then there will be equality” that I will be in the position to show them the same unconditional love they are showing me!!!!!