All BlogsIncluding Media and Interviews

Chicago Marathon!

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First got to Chicago and walked TEN miles while waiting for everyone to come!  Later in the day everyone starting arriving, and we all got together and ate at the Cheesecake Factory and shopped around.  Then we went to the expo.  It was Gary and I, Jesse and Amber, Gabe and Hannah, Mike and Bethany, Christa, and Grant.  Although Shalene was there with her parents and Angie and a friend, we didn’t see them Friday night.

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House Hunting!

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Tony called Bethany and Mike to come and look at an amazing house at an amazing deal in St. Clair Shores.  Tony came there and we toured the house.  It WAS great.  Although Bethany & Mike didn’t end up getting it, I know it sparked their interest big time.  It was fun to tour it, and later Bethany and Mike DID find a house!  (See Mike & Bethany’s blog!)

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If you are going to boast, boast in the Lord!

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Thanks to Kim for another great study… “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;someone else, and not your own lips.” Proverbs 27: 2 “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10: 12 We like to toot our own horn! We want others to know what a great job we’ve done! We like when others…

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Ch- Ch- Ch- Ch- Changes! Turn & face the strange!

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During the 1980’s, Gary and I lived in the great state of Oklahoma for two and a half years. He was stationed at Tinker Air Force Base while I completed my Bachelor’s of Music Education at the University of Oklahoma. We truly loved it in Oklahoma because Oklahomans are some of the friendliest people we’ve ever met.I have to admit that because I am from Utah where weather changes occur in an expected manner, the fickleness of Oklahoma weather unnerved…

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Strength to the Weary!

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Thanks, Kim, for the great study! “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40: 29a (We’ll look at the first half of this verse today)What are you weary from? watching the fall of the stock market? ….. being unable to find a job and security? ….. watching the deterioration of a relationship? ….. the ever constant needs of your toddlers? ….. trying to direct your teenager? ….. being over extended at work? (sometimes…

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A Great Start to a Fantastic Birthday!

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It was amazing to me to have all my kids at my Church for my birthday!  I was SO HAPPY to look down the row and see everyone, that I almost BURST…  After that we all went out to dinner at Maggiano’s and then watched the Truth Project at our house.  A perfect day with some amazing people I am privileged to have as my children and their “significant others”!

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Another reason I love October for birthdays!

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I get to share my birthday month with my darling adopted niece Kaylee.  She is so adorable!  She is smart and loving and kind.  I love spending time with her!  Look at this FACE — how could you ever refuse her anything?!  At my house, she is allowed to do ANYTHING and I tell her she is the PRINCESS! Here we are at Kaylee’s birthday party.  The only sad thing was I had to leave QUICKLY because I had a…

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My Brown Eyed Girl

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This girl is amazing.  No matter WHAT she takes the TIME to understand me and get together with me…  She’ll follow me anywhere — walking around Stony Creek, grocery shopping, and my fav – Starbucks!  She is definitely a music note in my life whenever she’s around!  I miss her when she goes to school all week!!!

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Diana is in town!

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Although it was for sad circumstances with her grandma being very sick, I was happy to see Diana, my sister-in-law from Las Vegas.  She hasn’t been in town for FIVE YEARS!  We got together for lunch with her mom and aunts (all of whom I just love!), then went house hopping!  A great afternoon!

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