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The Way of Escape

By | Bible Studies | No Comments

We’ve all been there. Blown it. Irreparably. Can’t fix it; can’t undo it. Other times, we’ve been the brunt of someone else blowing it. Someone has hurt us. Badly. Irreparably. Can’t fix it; can’t undo it. We are stuck. Stuck in a RUT. Two different times this week, I’ve heard it said that God doesn’t give us more than we can bear. Then why does it seem we just can’t bear it? Because God didn’t SAY some things wouldn’t be…

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How to Build Children with Integrity Quotes

By | Raising Children | No Comments

Raising the next generation of children is more distracting than ever. We want to raise children with purpose, that excel not only in their pursuits but in the character that makes them victorious when life throws its challenges. How do you give your children the best opportunities without feeding the narcissism prevalent in our selfie society? By giving them integrity. Building children requires integrity: the wholeness that comes from knowing who you are, what you stand for and what you…

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Stop Vomiting on People (by Leslie Vernick)

By | Bible Studies | No Comments

This message needs to be shouted from the rooftops! See Leslie Vernick’s website for more help on dealing with abusive and troubled relationships… Leslie Vernick  These days we are influenced by a culture of talk and tweets. We’re told to express our feelings, hold nothing back. We’ve all seen in national news how people’s unrestrained talk and tweets get them into public hot water. Every day I see the relational fallout that comes from thoughtless, foolish, deceitful, and cruel words….

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