We need to fill our hearts and minds with God’s message on how to love if revival can come through us! We need to see how the Lord continually draws and loves and sees what He wants to do with those who have fallen… the Davids after they commit adultery and murder while on the throne professing God, the Josephs with their broken dreams in prison falsely accused, the Jacobs grasping for all they can get until they wrestle with…
We are accepted in the beloved, redeemed,, ransomed and called by His Name. Jesus then puts HIS righteousness on us so that we can have a relationship with Him. He sees us through HIS righteousness. That same righteousness equips us to see others the way HE sees them, and love them the way HE loved us! He doesn’t discount us because we fall, He doesn’t see us as failures but He sees our potentials, He sees us through…
1. Where is He? It always amazed me that the minute I dropped my two year old off in the Church nursery, the moment I turned the corner, she would freak out. As soon as she was not aware of my presence, she wanted no part of it! That’s the way we feel when we look up and all of a sudden it appears as if the Lord has left us alone. Without notice, something unravels, a tragedy…
Keeping Love Alive… I love this article from Covenant Keepers (used with permission). Is your love for your spouse alive and well? Do you still have that passion that once burned in your heart? Or has your love slowly died? Has the fire gone out? The Scriptures describe the love between a husband and a wife as a fire. This is how the Shulamite, in the Song of Solomon, described her love relationship with her husband. She said, “…For love…
Day 1 we looked at God’s plan for your family. Day 2 we looked at His plan for fathers’ and mothers’ roles with their children. Day 3 we looked at what the biggest detriment to that plan is. Today we will see: How to Break Free from the Enemy’s Grip to Get back to God’s Plan for our Homes and Families Take the time to read through the BOLD OUTLINE and WORDS at least so you know what is destroying…
Day 1 we looked at God’s plan for your family. Day 2 we looked at His plan for fathers’ and mothers’ roles with their children. Day 3 (today) we will look at: What is the biggest detriment to that plan that we don’t even realize until it is too late? Tomorrow we will see: How to Break Free from the Enemy’s Grips to Get back to God’s Plan for our Homes and Families Take the time to read through the…
What is God’s plan for your family? What is His plan for fathers’ roles with their children? What is the biggest detriment to that plan that we don’t even realize until it is too late? What can we do to bring that plan into being for our families? Yesterday we looked at: Day 1 – God’s Plan for Our Homes and Families and How that Plan is Accomplished Today we will look at: Day 2 – Roles of Father, Mother,…
Long but SO WORTH IT: What is God’s plan for your family? What is His plan for fathers’ roles with their children? What is the biggest detriment to that plan that we don’t even realize until it is too late? What can we do to bring that plan into being for our families? The next few days we will look at this in depth: Day 1 – God’s Plan for Our Homes and Families and How that Plan is Accomplished…
Matthew 7.15-16: Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves. You will fully recognize them by their fruits. We can’t forget that the devil comes as an angel of light to deceive (2 Cor 11.14), and can perform miracles (Rev 16.14). How do we prevent religious deception? LINE ALL TEACHINGS UP WITH THE WORD OF GOD (1 John 4.1; 1 Th 5.21), and get your theology from the Word of God…
The “Eve” syndrome. How often I see this destroyer of gratefulness manifesting itself in my life. What IS the “Eve” syndrome in my marriage and how do I get rid of it? Eve failed to appreciate not only all the trees in the garden she had access to, but even the garden itself! Eve was in the midst of a garden whose translation means fruitful, well-watered, pleasure. She had access to “all kinds of trees” which were “pleasing to the…