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Karen Budzinski

A Love that Never

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Great Bible study from Kim! “Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My glory, the glory you have given Me because You LOVED ME before the creation of the world.” John 17: 24 There is a huge amount of our story that happened even before we were created! God’s LOVE for us started “before the creation of the world!” Through God we know that love is real, that it…

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Colasantis, Etc.

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One of our fav traditions:  Colasantis!  As you can see, Hannah and Gabe, Nina and Matt, Bethany and Mike and Rachel all agree!  What an amazing day together with my amazing family.  I look around me here and don’t have to go far to count my many blessings.  Each and every person is such a blessing.  I get a kick out of just watching everyone!  We first go apple picking, then to Colasantis, the petting farm and good eats, then to…

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The Joy of Fellowship

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A great study from Kim… “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, …” Genesis 1: 26a I never noticed the word “our” before in this passage. I just remember that we were made in God’s image, but really it goes farther than that, we were created in the image of the Trinity. God was not alone, He was (and still is) part of a relationship! We were created out of relationship for relationship! Many…

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Palm Desert!

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Off to Palm Desert, CA for a trip that even my wildest expectations cannot compare to how wonderful it is.  Just to be with Laurie and Michael is such a blessing.  We love them so much.  We have so much fun, laughing, hiking, tennis,….  from side splitting times to deep conversations, all the while doing what we ALL love MOST — There isn’t a moment on this trip that I don’t just appreciate beyond belief!  See more pictures here:  Palm…

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Pay it OFF!

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Hi everyone, this is a little unusual for a “Collegiate Wonders” typical Bible study, but this is VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION for your generation right now. Please understand: DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT charge one PENNY on any “extras” until you are debt-free! Yes, that means no extra CLOTHES, no extra TRIPS, no extra “deserved” VACATIONS, no extra ANYTHING. No extra $5 items nor $10. THIS is the way my husband Gary and I got ahead. We followed scriptural principles…

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The Center of the Bible

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The Center of the Bible The pictures are awesome…. but wait until you read the words. Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117 Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 119 Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? A: Psalms 118 Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118  Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118  Add these numbers up and you get 1188..  Q: What is…

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Pride — the enemy of humility!

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Great study from Kim! “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splender.” Ezekiel 28: 15a Lucifer’s heart became proud!!! We can learn much about ourselves from his actions and story…. From the book “Epic”-“Standing at the head of the vast legions of angelic hosts (millions, as the biblical record counts) was a captian. The most beautiful, the most powerful of them all. The commander of the armies of God. The…

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A great study from Kim: “Do NOT be quickly provoked in your spirit, for ANGER resides in the lap of fools.”Ecclesiastes 7: 9 Anger!!! It eventually causes bitterness!Bitterness ROBS us of our JOY!!!! EATS AWAY at our spirit! and does NOT come from God!!!! God tells us “NOT to be provoked quickly!!”Even when…… someone cuts us off on the road! … someone yells at us!! … we find out others are talking about us behind our back! … we are…

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Marathon Day!

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Marathon Day — started off beautiful, but HOT.  But everyone made it!  Christa and Hannah came across first, followed closely by Bethany, then Jesse (who ended up ripping 3/4 way through his miniscus), then Mike, then Gabe.  See the whole story at their running blog:  Girgenti Runners.  Sadly, I never saw Jesse, Mike or Gabe!  So no pics of them!  But they’re still marathoners and heros as far as I’m concerned!  See tons of pictures here: Chicago Marathon Slideshow

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Exploring Chicago…

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Walked all over Chicago.  Went to dinner at Luxe’s and met up with Shalene, Diane, Greg, Angie and her friend Carly.  Then some people went to a movie, and a few of us went back to the Expo. Mike and I went to Garrat’s Popcorn and waited in a very long line for some amazing popcorn. Then everyone went home early to get some rest and to get ready for the big day tomorrow!

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