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The Mystery of God Revealed Through Christ!

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The Mystery of God Revealed Through Christ! I. Christ has preeminence in all things, which things were created BY Him and consist FOR Him! Application: Do I give Him preeminence (foremost in time, place, order or importance, BEST) in ALL (every, the whole, always, daily, whatsoever)? Do I consist FOR Him (for His purpose) and realize I consist BY Him? II. In Him all fullness dwells: He made peace through the blood of the cross, and He has reconciled (changed…

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Correction: Do You Embrace it or Despise It?

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Every year my husband has had to go through a review at his job. The review (which consists of pages upon pages) contains input from many of his authorities AND peers on how he can do better. It is NOT a “pat on the back” and NOT to make him “feel good” but rather to show him areas where he needs to CHANGE. He could deny the things listed there saying “I don’t do those things.” “The results are great;…

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Things to Remember

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At the end of the book of Philippians, Paul is leaving the Church with some key points: I. STAND FAST -HOLD on to what you have! -be of the SAME MIND with your brothers and sisters in Christ -IN THE LORD (only possible through Christ) II. Be ANXIOUS about NO THING -REJOICE in all things! -be MODERATE in all things! -communicate your requests unto the Lord -Let HIS peace keep you III. DO -Think good things -be CONTENT in all…

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The Definition of Prayer and Misconceptions in Prayer

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Taken from a book Live a Praying Life, by Jennifer Kennedy Dean Prayer is not giving God instructions to follow. “To pray is to let Jesus glorify His name in the midst of our needs,…” Prayer is not limited to a segment of our lives or to a scheduled event in our days. It is an attitude of receptivity in which we live every moment. It is being open to Him at all times. It is living in the presence…

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Heart of an Intercessor

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I am reading Live a Praying Life by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. What an awesome book so far. Here are a few excerpts: When God wants to intervene and change the natural course of events, He looks for an intercessor. Consider then in Exodus 32.7-10 God desired an intercessor and found Moses; contrasting Ezekiel 22 where God looked for an intercessor for Judah and found NONE. They both broke covenant with God (Ex. 32.-14; Ez. 22.23-29) They both deserved judgment (Ex….

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The PROOF (test/trustworthiness) you serve others!

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Philippians 2.22-30 (text at bottom) I. Serve others that preach the Gospel DO I serve others that have given of their lives to spread the Gospel?? It is NOT an option but a necessity! I NEED to help and they NEED my help! II. Companion in labor; fellow soldier; minister to others’ wants; messenger AM I a “companion in labor” with those who ARE laboring? AM I a “fellow soldier” realizing and seeing the warfare around me? DO I minister…

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Putting the Things that are Christ’s FIRST and NOT my Own Thi

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Philippians 2.12-21 (text below) Aim: To seek NOT my “own” things but the things which are Christ’s Subject Sentence: Seek what is Christ’s and not my own. I. WORK OUT!!! With the ENERGY He has put in me! Work out (do/work/perform/cause) my salvation (rescue or safety physically or morally) with fear and trembling, knowing that it is God that is working (ENERGIO – providing ENERGY to be fervent/effectual/doing/showing forth) in ME to both WILL (decide) and to DO (ENERGIO –…

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Being Under Satan’s Yoke

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Subject: Satan’s Meeting Satan called a worldwide convention of demons… In his opening address Satan said, “We can’t keep Christians from going to church. We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth…. We can’t even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their SAVIOR.” “Once they gain that connection with JESUS, our power over them is broken.So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, butsteal their time, so they…

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If You Can’t Handle Basic Training You’re Not Ready For WAR

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“If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?” Jeremiah 12: 5 It is NO SURPRISE that we WILL have trouble in this world! This passage is very clear that on our own, we will be worn out, we will stumble, we willhave trouble competing and managing ourselves! We can not fight the…

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WALK IT Don’t just TALK IT!!!

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Subject Sentence: To be a follower of God and look like our Father, we’re to make choices differently than those that do not know Him! I. Be followers of God – NOT doing improper things, BUT giving thanks. Things not appropriate are not only fornication and uncleanness (physical or moral impurity), but also covetousness, foolish talking, jesting (silly talking). Application ??: Do I KNOW and DO what is APPROPRIATE and GOOD and FITTING and PROPER? I need to be DIFFERENT…

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